
Checks allow Asar to monitor certain states and throw warnings or errors when certain criteria are met. This can be helpful for catching or preventing certain problems.

check title

check title "{title}"

The check title command verifies that the title stored in the output ROM is identical to title. If it isn't, an error is thrown (unless --no-title-check is passed to the application, in which case only a warning is thrown - see section Usage for details). The purpose of this command is to assure that patches are applied to the correct output ROM.

; This patch is only for a Super Mario World ROM
check title "SUPER MARIOWORLD     "

; Remove small bonus stars from game
org $009053
    nop #3
org $009068
    nop #3

check bankcross

check bankcross {off/half/full}

The check bankcross command enables (full or half) or disables (off) throwing errors when a bank border is crossed while assembling a file. The default is full, which checks whether the code crosses from pc $FFFF to $0000 in the next bank, and throws an error if that happens. With half, Asar will additionally check crossings from $7FFF to $8000. Use off with caution as some features may not behave correctly with bank border checking disabled and some places may still check for bank borders, anyways.

check bankcross off

org $80FFFF

    db $00,$00
check bankcross full

print pc    ; Will print 818001 when using LoROM mapper