List of all warnings

This list is extracted directly from the source code. Some warnings might be unused or have incomplete messages (due to the messages being partially computed at runtime).

Warning nameMessageEnabled by default
Wrelative_path_usedRelative %s path passed to asar_patch_ex() - please use absolute paths only to prevent undefined behavior!yes
Wrom_too_shortROM is too short to have a title. (Expected '%s')yes
Wrom_title_incorrectROM title is incorrect. Expected '%s', got '%s'.yes
Wspc700_assuming_8_bitThis opcode does not exist with 16-bit parameters, assuming 8-bit.yes
Wassuming_address_modeThe addressing mode %s is not valid for this instruction, assuming %s.%syes
Wset_middle_byteIt would be wise to set the 008000 bit of this address.yes
Wfreespace_leakedThis freespace appears to be leaked.yes
Wwarn_commandwarn command%syes
Wimplicitly_sized_immediateImplicitly sized
Wcheck_memory_fileAccessing file '%s' which is not in memory while Wcheck_memory_file is
Wdatasize_last_labelDatasize used on last detected label '%s'.yes
Wdatasize_exceeds_sizeDatasize exceeds 0xFFFF for label '%s'.yes
Wmapper_already_setA mapper has already been selected.yes
Wfeature_deprecatedDEPRECATION NOTIFICATION: Feature "%s" is deprecated and will be REMOVED in the future. Please update your code to conform to newer styles. Suggested work around: %s.yes
Winvalid_warning_idWarning '%s' (passed to %s) doesn't exist.yes
Wbyte_order_mark_utf8UTF-8 byte order mark detected and skipped.yes