List of all errors
This list is extracted directly from the source code. Some errors might be unused or have incomplete messages (due to the messages being partially computed at runtime).
Error name | Message |
Elimit_reached | Over %d errors detected. Aborting. |
Ewerror | One or more warnings was detected with werror on. |
Ebuffer_too_small | The given buffer is too small to contain the resulting ROM. |
Eparams_null | params passed to asar_patch_ex() is null. |
Eparams_invalid_size | Size of params passed to asar_patch_ex() is invalid. |
Ecmdl_define_invalid | Invalid define name in %s: '%s'. |
Ecmdl_define_override | %s '%s' overrides a previous define. Did you specify the same define twice? |
Ecreate_rom_failed | Couldn't create ROM. |
Eopen_rom_failed | Couldn't open ROM. |
Eopen_rom_not_smw_extension | Doesn't look like an SMW ROM. (Maybe its extension is wrong?) |
Eopen_rom_not_smw_header | Doesn't look like an SMW ROM. (Maybe it's headered?) |
Estddefines_no_identifier | stddefines.txt contains a line with a value, but no identifier. |
Estddefine_after_closing_quote | Broken std defines. (Something after closing quote) |
Efailed_to_open_file | Failed to open file '%s'. |
Efile_not_found | File '%s' wasn't found. |
Efile_offset_out_of_bounds | File offset %s out of bounds for file '%s'. |
Emismatched_parentheses | Mismatched parentheses. |
Einvalid_hex_value | Invalid hex value. |
Einvalid_binary_value | Invalid binary value. |
Einvalid_character | Invalid character. |
Einvalid_number | Invalid number. |
Egarbage_near_quoted_string | Garbage near quoted string. |
Emismatched_quotes | Mismatched quotes. |
Erom_too_short | ROM is too short to have a title. (Expected '%s') |
Erom_title_incorrect | ROM title is incorrect. Expected '%s', got '%s'. |
Ebank_border_crossed | A bank border was crossed, SNES address $%06X. |
Estart_of_file | This command may only be used at the start of a file. |
Einvalid_version_number | Invalid version number. |
Easar_too_old | This version of Asar is too old for this patch. |
Erelative_branch_out_of_bounds | Relative branch out of bounds. (Distance is %s). |
Esnes_address_doesnt_map_to_rom | SNES address %s doesn't map to ROM. |
Esnes_address_out_of_bounds | SNES address %s out of bounds. |
Einvalid_tcall | Invalid tcall. |
Euse_xplus | Use (x+) instead. |
Eopcode_length_too_long | Opcode length is too long. |
Esuperfx_invalid_short_address | Invalid short address parameter: $%s. (Must be even number and $0000-$01FE) |
Esuperfx_invalid_register | Invalid register for opcode; valid range is %d-%d. |
Einvalid_opcode_length | Invalid opcode length specification. |
Einvalid_mapper | Invalid mapper. |
Enan | NaN encountered. |
Edivision_by_zero | Division by zero. |
Eunknown_operator | Unknown operator. |
Einvalid_input | Invalid input. |
Einvalid_function_name | Invalid function name. |
Efunction_not_found | Function '%s' wasn't found. |
Efunction_redefined | Function '%s' redefined. |
Ebroken_function_declaration | Broken function declaration. |
Einvalid_param_name | Invalid parameter name '%s'. |
Einvalid_label_name | Invalid label name. |
Elabel_not_found | Label '%s' wasn't found. |
Elabel_redefined | Label '%s' redefined. |
Ebroken_label_definition | Broken label definition. |
Emacro_label_outside_of_macro | Macro label outside of a macro. |
Einvalid_namespace_name | Invalid namespace name. |
Einvalid_namespace_use | Invalid use of namespace command. |
Einvalid_struct_name | Invalid struct name. |
Estruct_not_found | Struct '%s' wasn't found. |
Estruct_redefined | Struct '%s' redefined. |
Estruct_invalid_parent_name | Invalid parent name. |
Einvalid_label_missing_closer | Invalid label name, missing array closer. |
Elabel_missing_parent | This label has no parent. |
Estruct_without_endstruct | struct without matching endstruct. |
Enested_struct | Can not nest structs. |
Emissing_struct_params | Missing struct parameters. |
Etoo_many_struct_params | Too many struct parameters. |
Emissing_extends | Missing extends keyword. |
Einvalid_endstruct_count | Invalid endstruct parameter count. |
Eexpected_align | Expected align parameter. |
Eendstruct_without_struct | endstruct can only be used in combination with struct. |
Ealignment_too_small | Alignment must be >= 1. |
Einvalid_define_name | Invalid define name. |
Edefine_not_found | Define '%s' wasn't found. |
Edefine_not_found2 | Define '%s' wasn't found. |
Ebroken_define_declaration | Broken define declaration. |
Eoverriding_builtin_define | Trying to set define '%s', which is the name of a built-in define and thus can't be modified. |
Emismatched_braces | Mismatched braces. |
Einvalid_macro_name | Invalid macro name. |
Emacro_not_found | Macro '%s' wasn't found. |
Emacro_redefined | Macro '%s' redefined. First defined at: %s:%d |
Ebroken_macro_declaration | Broken macro declaration. |
Einvalid_macro_param_name | Invalid macro parameter name. |
Emacro_param_not_found | Macro parameter '%s' wasn't found.%s |
Emacro_param_redefined | Macro parameter '%s' redefined |
Ebroken_macro_usage | Broken macro usage. |
Emacro_wrong_num_params | Wrong number of parameters to macro. |
Emisplaced_endmacro | Misplaced endmacro. |
Eunclosed_macro | Unclosed macro: '%s'. |
Emisplaced_elseif | Misplaced elseif. |
Eelseif_in_while | Can't use elseif in a while loop. |
Emisplaced_endif | Misplaced endif. |
Emisplaced_else | Misplaced else. |
Eelse_in_while_loop | Can't use else in a while loop. |
Eunclosed_if | Unclosed if statement. |
Eunknown_command | Unknown command. |
Ebroken_incbin | Broken incbin command. |
Erecursion_limit | Recursion limit reached. |
Ecant_be_main_file | This file may not be used as the main file.%s |
Eno_labels_here | Can't use non-static labels here. |
Einvalid_freespace_request | Invalid freespace request. |
Estatic_freespace_autoclean | A static freespace must be targeted by at least one autoclean. |
Estatic_freespace_growing | A static freespace may not grow. |
Eno_freespace_in_mapped_banks | No freespace found in the mapped banks. (Requested size: %s) |
Eno_freespace | No freespace found. (Requested size: %s) |
Eprot_not_at_freespace_start | PROT must be used at the start of a freespace block. |
Eprot_too_many_entries | Too many entries to PROT. |
Eautoclean_in_freespace | autoclean used in freespace. |
Eautoclean_label_at_freespace_end | Don't autoclean a label at the end of a freespace block, you'll remove some stuff you're not supposed to remove. |
Ebroken_autoclean | Broken autoclean command. |
Epulltable_without_table | Using pulltable when there is no table on the stack yet. |
Epad_in_freespace | pad does not make sense in a freespaced code. |
Epushpc_without_pullpc | pushpc without matching pullpc. |
Epullpc_without_pushpc | pullpc without matching pushpc. |
Epullpc_different_arch | pullpc in another architecture than the pushpc. |
Epullbase_without_pushbase | pullbase without matching pushbase. |
Einvalid_check | Invalid check command. |
Eassertion_failed | Assertion failed%s |
Eerror_command | error command%s |
Eunknown_variable | Unknown variable. |
Epushwarnings_without_pullwarnings | warnings push without matching warnings pull. |
Epullwarnings_without_pushwarnings | warnings pull without matching warnings push. |
Efailed_to_open_file_access_denied | Failed to open file '%s'. Access denied. |
Efailed_to_open_not_regular_file | Failed to open file '%s'. Not a regular file (did you try to use a directory?) |
Ebad_dp_base | The dp base should be page aligned (i.e. a multiple of 256), got %s |
Ebad_dp_optimize | Bad dp optimize value %s, expected: [none, ram, always] |
Ebad_address_optimize | Bad dp optimize value %s, expected: [default, ram, mirrors] |
Ebad_optimize | Bad optimize value %s, expected: [dp, address] |
Eduplicate_param_name | Duplicated parameter name: %s in creation of function %s |
Einvalid_alignment | Invalid alignment. Expected a power of 2. |
Ealignment_too_big | Requested alignment too large. |
Enegative_shift | Bitshift amount is negative. |
Emacro_not_varadic | Invalid use of %s, active macro is not variadic. |
Evararg_sizeof_nomacro | Invalid use of sizeof(...), no active macro. |
Emacro_wrong_min_params | Variadic macro call with too few parameters |
Evararg_out_of_bounds | Variadic macro parameter %s is out of bounds.%s |
Evararg_must_be_last | Variadic macro parameter must be the last parameter. |
Einvalid_global_label | Global label definition contains an invalid label [%s]. |
Espc700_addr_out_of_range | Address %s out of range for instruction, valid range is 0000-1FFF |
Elabel_ambiguous | Label (%s) location is ambiguous due to straddling optimization border. |
Efeature_unavaliable_in_spcblock | This feature may not be used while an spcblock is active |
Eendspcblock_without_spcblock | Use of endspcblock without matching spcblock |
Emissing_endspcblock | Use of endspcblock without matching spcblock |
Espcblock_inside_struct | Can not start an spcblock while a struct is still open |
Espcblock_too_few_args | Too few args passed to spcblock |
Espcblock_too_many_args | Too many args passed to spcblock |
Eunknown_spcblock_type | Unknown spcblock format |
Ecustom_spcblock_missing_macro | Custom spcblock types must refer to a valid macro |
Espcblock_macro_doesnt_exist | Macro specified to custom spcblock was not found |
Eextra_spcblock_arg_for_type | Only custom spcblock type takes a fourth argument |
Espcblock_macro_must_be_varadic | Custom spcblock macros must be variadic |
Espcblock_macro_invalid_static_args | Custom spcblock macros must have three static arguments |
Espcblock_custom_types_incomplete | Custom spcblock types are not yet supported. One day. |
Einvalid_endspcblock_arg | Invalid argument to endspcblock: "%s" |
Eunknown_endspcblock_format | Unsupported endspcblock format. Currently supported formats are "endspcblock" and "endspcblock execute [label]" |
Einternal_error | An internal error occured (%s). This is a bug in Asar, please report it at, along with a patch that reproduces it if possible. |
Epushns_without_pullns | pushns without matching pullns. |
Epullns_without_pushns | pullns without matching pushns. |
Elabel_forward | The use of forward labels is not allowed in this context. |
Eundefined_char | '%s' is not defined in the character table |
Einvalid_utf8 | Invalid text encoding detected. Asar expects UTF-8-encoded text. Please re-save this file in a text editor of choice using UTF-8 encoding. |
Ecmdl_utf16_to_utf8_failed | UTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed: %s. |
Ebroken_command | Broken %s command. %s |
Eoob | Operation out of bounds: Requested index %d for object of size %d |
Eunclosed_vararg | Variadic macro parameter wasn't closed properly. |
Einvalid_depth_resolve | Invalid %s resolution depth: Trying to backwards-resolve a %s using %i '^', but current scope only supports up to %i '^'. |
Eplatform_paths | Platform-specific paths aren'supported. Please use platform-independent paths (use / instead of \\). |
Ebad_single_line_for | Single-line for loop not allowed here. |
Ebroken_for_loop | Broken for loop command: %s |
Emissing_org | Missing org or freespace command. |
Eunclosed_block_comment | Unclosed block comment. |
Ebad_addr_mode | This addressing mode is not valid for this instruction. |
Ebad_access_width | This addressing mode can accept %s arguments, but the provided argument is %d-bit. |
Elabel_before_if | Labels are not allowed before "%s" commands. Suggestion: move the label to a separate line. |
Ebad_type | Type error when evaluating math: expected %s, got %s |
Eargument_count | Wrong number of arguments. Expected %d, got %d |