List of all errors

This list is extracted directly from the source code. Some errors might be unused or have incomplete messages (due to the messages being partially computed at runtime).

Error nameMessage
Elimit_reachedOver %d errors detected. Aborting.
EwerrorOne or more warnings was detected with werror on.
Ebuffer_too_smallThe given buffer is too small to contain the resulting ROM.
Eparams_nullparams passed to asar_patch_ex() is null.
Eparams_invalid_sizeSize of params passed to asar_patch_ex() is invalid.
Ecmdl_define_invalidInvalid define name in %s: '%s'.
Ecmdl_define_override%s '%s' overrides a previous define. Did you specify the same define twice?
Ecreate_rom_failedCouldn't create ROM.
Eopen_rom_failedCouldn't open ROM.
Eopen_rom_not_smw_extensionDoesn't look like an SMW ROM. (Maybe its extension is wrong?)
Eopen_rom_not_smw_headerDoesn't look like an SMW ROM. (Maybe it's headered?)
Estddefines_no_identifierstddefines.txt contains a line with a value, but no identifier.
Estddefine_after_closing_quoteBroken std defines. (Something after closing quote)
Efailed_to_open_fileFailed to open file '%s'.
Efile_not_foundFile '%s' wasn't found.
Efile_offset_out_of_boundsFile offset %s out of bounds for file '%s'.
Emismatched_parenthesesMismatched parentheses.
Einvalid_hex_valueInvalid hex value.
Einvalid_binary_valueInvalid binary value.
Einvalid_characterInvalid character.
Einvalid_numberInvalid number.
Egarbage_near_quoted_stringGarbage near quoted string.
Emismatched_quotesMismatched quotes.
Erom_too_shortROM is too short to have a title. (Expected '%s')
Erom_title_incorrectROM title is incorrect. Expected '%s', got '%s'.
Ebank_border_crossedA bank border was crossed, SNES address $%06X.
Estart_of_fileThis command may only be used at the start of a file.
Einvalid_version_numberInvalid version number.
Easar_too_oldThis version of Asar is too old for this patch.
Erelative_branch_out_of_boundsRelative branch out of bounds. (Distance is %s).
Esnes_address_doesnt_map_to_romSNES address %s doesn't map to ROM.
Esnes_address_out_of_boundsSNES address %s out of bounds.
Einvalid_tcallInvalid tcall.
Euse_xplusUse (x+) instead.
Eopcode_length_too_longOpcode length is too long.
Esuperfx_invalid_short_addressInvalid short address parameter: $%s. (Must be even number and $0000-$01FE)
Esuperfx_invalid_registerInvalid register for opcode; valid range is %d-%d.
Einvalid_opcode_lengthInvalid opcode length specification.
Einvalid_mapperInvalid mapper.
EnanNaN encountered.
Edivision_by_zeroDivision by zero.
Eunknown_operatorUnknown operator.
Einvalid_inputInvalid input.
Einvalid_function_nameInvalid function name.
Efunction_not_foundFunction '%s' wasn't found.
Efunction_redefinedFunction '%s' redefined.
Ebroken_function_declarationBroken function declaration.
Einvalid_param_nameInvalid parameter name '%s'.
Einvalid_label_nameInvalid label name.
Elabel_not_foundLabel '%s' wasn't found.
Elabel_redefinedLabel '%s' redefined.
Ebroken_label_definitionBroken label definition.
Emacro_label_outside_of_macroMacro label outside of a macro.
Einvalid_namespace_nameInvalid namespace name.
Einvalid_namespace_useInvalid use of namespace command.
Einvalid_struct_nameInvalid struct name.
Estruct_not_foundStruct '%s' wasn't found.
Estruct_redefinedStruct '%s' redefined.
Estruct_invalid_parent_nameInvalid parent name.
Einvalid_label_missing_closerInvalid label name, missing array closer.
Elabel_missing_parentThis label has no parent.
Estruct_without_endstructstruct without matching endstruct.
Enested_structCan not nest structs.
Emissing_struct_paramsMissing struct parameters.
Etoo_many_struct_paramsToo many struct parameters.
Emissing_extendsMissing extends keyword.
Einvalid_endstruct_countInvalid endstruct parameter count.
Eexpected_alignExpected align parameter.
Eendstruct_without_structendstruct can only be used in combination with struct.
Ealignment_too_smallAlignment must be >= 1.
Einvalid_define_nameInvalid define name.
Edefine_not_foundDefine '%s' wasn't found.
Edefine_not_found2Define '%s' wasn't found.
Ebroken_define_declarationBroken define declaration.
Eoverriding_builtin_defineTrying to set define '%s', which is the name of a built-in define and thus can't be modified.
Emismatched_bracesMismatched braces.
Einvalid_macro_nameInvalid macro name.
Emacro_not_foundMacro '%s' wasn't found.
Emacro_redefinedMacro '%s' redefined. First defined at: %s:%d
Ebroken_macro_declarationBroken macro declaration.
Einvalid_macro_param_nameInvalid macro parameter name.
Emacro_param_not_foundMacro parameter '%s' wasn't found.%s
Emacro_param_redefinedMacro parameter '%s' redefined
Ebroken_macro_usageBroken macro usage.
Emacro_wrong_num_paramsWrong number of parameters to macro.
Emisplaced_endmacroMisplaced endmacro.
Eunclosed_macroUnclosed macro: '%s'.
Emisplaced_elseifMisplaced elseif.
Eelseif_in_whileCan't use elseif in a while loop.
Emisplaced_endifMisplaced endif.
Emisplaced_elseMisplaced else.
Eelse_in_while_loopCan't use else in a while loop.
Eunclosed_ifUnclosed if statement.
Eunknown_commandUnknown command.
Ebroken_incbinBroken incbin command.
Erecursion_limitRecursion limit reached.
Ecant_be_main_fileThis file may not be used as the main file.%s
Eno_labels_hereCan't use non-static labels here.
Einvalid_freespace_requestInvalid freespace request.
Estatic_freespace_autocleanA static freespace must be targeted by at least one autoclean.
Estatic_freespace_growingA static freespace may not grow.
Eno_freespace_in_mapped_banksNo freespace found in the mapped banks. (Requested size: %s)
Eno_freespaceNo freespace found. (Requested size: %s)
Eprot_not_at_freespace_startPROT must be used at the start of a freespace block.
Eprot_too_many_entriesToo many entries to PROT.
Eautoclean_in_freespaceautoclean used in freespace.
Eautoclean_label_at_freespace_endDon't autoclean a label at the end of a freespace block, you'll remove some stuff you're not supposed to remove.
Ebroken_autocleanBroken autoclean command.
Epulltable_without_tableUsing pulltable when there is no table on the stack yet.
Epad_in_freespacepad does not make sense in a freespaced code.
Epushpc_without_pullpcpushpc without matching pullpc.
Epullpc_without_pushpcpullpc without matching pushpc.
Epullpc_different_archpullpc in another architecture than the pushpc.
Epullbase_without_pushbasepullbase without matching pushbase.
Einvalid_checkInvalid check command.
Eassertion_failedAssertion failed%s
Eerror_commanderror command%s
Eunknown_variableUnknown variable.
Epushwarnings_without_pullwarningswarnings push without matching warnings pull.
Epullwarnings_without_pushwarningswarnings pull without matching warnings push.
Efailed_to_open_file_access_deniedFailed to open file '%s'. Access denied.
Efailed_to_open_not_regular_fileFailed to open file '%s'. Not a regular file (did you try to use a directory?)
Ebad_dp_baseThe dp base should be page aligned (i.e. a multiple of 256), got %s
Ebad_dp_optimizeBad dp optimize value %s, expected: [none, ram, always]
Ebad_address_optimizeBad dp optimize value %s, expected: [default, ram, mirrors]
Ebad_optimizeBad optimize value %s, expected: [dp, address]
Eduplicate_param_nameDuplicated parameter name: %s in creation of function %s
Einvalid_alignmentInvalid alignment. Expected a power of 2.
Ealignment_too_bigRequested alignment too large.
Enegative_shiftBitshift amount is negative.
Emacro_not_varadicInvalid use of %s, active macro is not variadic.
Evararg_sizeof_nomacroInvalid use of sizeof(...), no active macro.
Emacro_wrong_min_paramsVariadic macro call with too few parameters
Evararg_out_of_boundsVariadic macro parameter %s is out of bounds.%s
Evararg_must_be_lastVariadic macro parameter must be the last parameter.
Einvalid_global_labelGlobal label definition contains an invalid label [%s].
Espc700_addr_out_of_rangeAddress %s out of range for instruction, valid range is 0000-1FFF
Elabel_ambiguousLabel (%s) location is ambiguous due to straddling optimization border.
Efeature_unavaliable_in_spcblockThis feature may not be used while an spcblock is active
Eendspcblock_without_spcblockUse of endspcblock without matching spcblock
Emissing_endspcblockUse of endspcblock without matching spcblock
Espcblock_inside_structCan not start an spcblock while a struct is still open
Espcblock_too_few_argsToo few args passed to spcblock
Espcblock_too_many_argsToo many args passed to spcblock
Eunknown_spcblock_typeUnknown spcblock format
Ecustom_spcblock_missing_macroCustom spcblock types must refer to a valid macro
Espcblock_macro_doesnt_existMacro specified to custom spcblock was not found
Eextra_spcblock_arg_for_typeOnly custom spcblock type takes a fourth argument
Espcblock_macro_must_be_varadicCustom spcblock macros must be variadic
Espcblock_macro_invalid_static_argsCustom spcblock macros must have three static arguments
Espcblock_custom_types_incompleteCustom spcblock types are not yet supported. One day.
Einvalid_endspcblock_argInvalid argument to endspcblock: "%s"
Eunknown_endspcblock_formatUnsupported endspcblock format. Currently supported formats are "endspcblock" and "endspcblock execute [label]"
Einternal_errorAn internal error occured (%s). This is a bug in Asar, please report it at, along with a patch that reproduces it if possible.
Epushns_without_pullnspushns without matching pullns.
Epullns_without_pushnspullns without matching pushns.
Elabel_forwardThe use of forward labels is not allowed in this context.
Eundefined_char'%s' is not defined in the character table
Einvalid_utf8Invalid text encoding detected. Asar expects UTF-8-encoded text. Please re-save this file in a text editor of choice using UTF-8 encoding.
Ecmdl_utf16_to_utf8_failedUTF-16 to UTF-8 string conversion failed: %s.
Ebroken_commandBroken %s command. %s
EoobOperation out of bounds: Requested index %d for object of size %d
Eunclosed_varargVariadic macro parameter wasn't closed properly.
Einvalid_depth_resolveInvalid %s resolution depth: Trying to backwards-resolve a %s using %i '^', but current scope only supports up to %i '^'.
Eplatform_pathsPlatform-specific paths aren'supported. Please use platform-independent paths (use / instead of \\).
Ebad_single_line_forSingle-line for loop not allowed here.
Ebroken_for_loopBroken for loop command: %s
Emissing_orgMissing org or freespace command.
Eunclosed_block_commentUnclosed block comment.
Ebad_addr_modeThis addressing mode is not valid for this instruction.
Ebad_access_widthThis addressing mode can accept %s arguments, but the provided argument is %d-bit.
Elabel_before_ifLabels are not allowed before "%s" commands. Suggestion: move the label to a separate line.
Ebad_typeType error when evaluating math: expected %s, got %s
Eargument_countWrong number of arguments. Expected %d, got %d